UNICEF Cold Chain and Logistics Specialist P3

Under the direct supervision of the chief of CSD section and in close collaboration with the Immunization Specialist , the staff will provide technical guidance for the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the EVM plan in CAR, while also ensuring close mentoring of the implementation of EPI interventions in the field.
In order to achieve the above , the Cold chain and Logistics Specialist will be responsible for thefollowing activities in collaboration with the Immunization Specialist, under the coordination of the Chief of CSD section.
• Assist MoH and partners in selection of technical supplies/equipment and training materials in EPI vaccine management and cold chain, • Provide technical assistance in training of staff at all levels in EPI vaccine management and cold chain, • Provide technical assistance in identification, procurement, installation, use and maintaining solar refrigerators and freezers • Provide technical assistance for cold chain temperature monitoring with the acquisition and installation of a "Multilog" with GSM Alarm "at the central level, the use of" Fridge Tag "in all refrigerators used to store vaccines and the "Freeze Tags" in coolers or vaccine carriers transporting vaccines VAT, Penta or PCV13; • Assist in developing a supply chain of EPI inputs from central stock to the end users – including the establishment of contract option • Assist the MOH to identify and establish maintenance contract for the central cold rooms with qualified contractor. • Assist the MOH for acquisition and installation of a new cold room 30m3 positive. • Provide technical assistance for the use of new communication technologies (ICT4 D such as Rapid SMS) for improving data collection, monitoring and evaluation of cold chain functionality as well as vaccine wastage rates. • Participate and provide technical support to the EPI technical group and the ICC (EPI Inter-Agency Coordination Committee (ICC) at national level .) • Assist in preparing draft documents that include technical and financial program updates to support fundraising efforts for cold chain and immunization for governments and National Committees (NatComs) and other donors.
How to apply:
How to apply: Please send the following documents to banguihr@unicef.org
• your completed United Nations Personal History Form
• A brief cover email with the subject header “Cold Chain/Logistics L3”
(incomplete applications will not be considered)
The UN Personal History form can be found at the following web address:www.unicef.org/about/employ/files/P11.doc.
UNICEF Cold Chain and Logistics Specialist P3 UNICEF Cold Chain and Logistics Specialist P3 Reviewed by Unknown on 1:31:00 PM Rating: 5
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