ICTSD Programme and Performance Officer

The International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), an independent non-profit and non-governmental organisation contributing to a better understanding of development and environment concerns in the contact of international trade, seeks to recruit a professional to fill the following position:

Programme and Performance Officer
The objective of this position is to advance ICTSD’s mission through ensuring effective, efficient and coherent programme development, monitoring and evaluation and reporting at the programme and corporate levels.
The Officer plays a critical role in combining internal and external data; analysing and organising it for multiple purposes .The position requires someone who likes to understand large concepts but is hands-on and enjoys working with diverse professional teams in building coherent and high impact proposals.

Main responsibilities:

1. Proposal Writing and Communication
- Drafting and editing the writing of fundraising proposals based on programme inputs
- Drafting and editing programme and corporate reports and completing proposals
- Drafting and editing donor communications to ensure that donors receive a regular and appropriate flow of relevant news and analysis from ICTSD
- Management of Donor communication for prospecting and maintaining relations
- Developing and maintaining a system for tracking donors and producing regular internal reports; including donor communications with ICTSD, and critical relationships and potential opportunities

2. Assist with Corporate and Programme Planning & Development
- Assisting management in drafting annual programme planning and review exercises based on inputs from management and programmes
- Annual review and update of ICTSD Programme Logframe, regular re-development of the ICTSD logframe or application of other planning tools

3. Help with Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting
- Maintaining, monitoring and evaluation of systems in ICTSD
- Ensuring feedback and learning operates effectively through the M&E process
- Help with the timely production of annual assessment impact report
- Ensure effective data gathering systems for the purpose of quantitative and qualitative impact analysis using multiple means such as surveys; negotiating and academic citations; internet search; and web analytics
- Coordinating with programmes, publications and finance on data gathering, impact analysis and reporting to donors
- Providing inputs for the continuous improvement of those systems based on experience and feedback from donors
- Assist with the reporting and presentation of projects to donors and the Governing Board - report on the progress and achievements of ICTSD’s work
- Help provide reports on ICTSD corporate and programmatic performance for a variety of stakeholders

Perform such other duties as may be assigned, as required

Requirements and Skills:
Demonstrated writing skills
Excellent organisational skills
Ability to design and manage implementation of monitoring and evaluation practices, including surveys, stakeholder dialogue and especially the ICTSD Logframe
Manipulation, analyse and interpretation of data
Broad understanding of financial and fundraising issues
Ability to assess and develop management systems and strategies
Strong Inter-personal communication skills
Excellent computer skills, good knowledge of database and spread sheets tools
3 years of experience in the area of project monitoring and evaluation
Understanding of and interest in trade and sustainable development issues
Knowledge of French and/or Spanish an advantage

Place of Work: ICTSD, International Environment House 2, 7 Chemin de Balexert, 1219 Châtelaine, Geneva, Switzerland.
ICTSD shall place no restrictions on the eligibility of men and women to participate in any capacity and under conditions of equality.
Please submit a CV, Cover Letter, and a Writing Sample to jobs@ictsd.ch no later than 7th April 2013.
ICTSD Programme and Performance Officer ICTSD Programme and Performance Officer Reviewed by Unknown on 10:03:00 PM Rating: 5
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