HIV Formative Study Researcher IN Kenya

VN Number: SCO/021/2013
Position Title: HIV Formative Study Researcher Department: Migration Health Division (MHD) Grade: International Consultant Duty Station: Nairobi, Kenya (with travel to Mogadishu, Somalia when required) or remotely. Duration of Assignment: 30 days over a 4-month period (April 1st – 1st August 2013) Closing date: 30th March 2013.
The drivers of the HIV epidemic in Somalia are yet to be determined due to the lack of adequate HIV data. According to the latest sero-surveillance survey conducted in south central regions of Somalia in 2004, the prevalence was moderately low at less than one per cent. However, the survey did not target the key populations such as sex workers who from various informal data are at greater risk compared to the general populations. Additionally, there are various factors which might amplify the epidemic. Such factors include mobility and displacement within and outside of the country caused by the severe drought and chronic fighting, and arrival of the foreign forces from the neighboring countries whose HIV prevalence is comparatively high.
In this context, under the regional migration health programme, Partnership on Health and Mobility in East and Southern Africa (PHAMESA), funded by Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD), the International Organization for Migration (IOM) is conducting a formative study for an Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance (IBBS) Survey in Mogadishu. The study is intended to provide evidences and accurate data for effective HIV programming and resource mobilization for Combination HIV Prevention. It will also contribute to enhance the technical skills and knowledge of South Central AIDS Commission (SCAC) and civil society organizations involved in the implementation of the study.
The proposed formative study will target clients of female sex workers such as truck drivers, uniformed services and sea farers as primary key informants. Likewise, the study will target secondary and tertiary key informants through qualitative methods. Persons who are involved in the network of risk activities or are well acquainted with persons from the targeted populations are considered as the secondary key informants while persons involved with the targeted sub-populations in a professional capacity are considered as tertiary key informants.
Main tasks and responsibilities
Under the overall supervision of Chief of Mission of IOM Somalia and under the direct supervision of the Health Programme Coordinator of Migration Health Division (MHD), in close collaboration and consultation with Senior Programme and Research Assistant, Public Health Specialist, and other relevant colleagues, South Central AIDS Commission (SCAC), Ministry of Social Services of Federal Republic of Somalia, the incumbent will be responsible for the following specific tasks to be performed:
  1. Conduct comprehensive literature review on HIV/AIDS in south region of Somalia in consultation with other UN and international agencies.
  2. Develop the protocol and tools for the formative study based on the tools developed in previous studies. The protocol will provide the scope of the study, methodology and sampling.
  3. Determine the sampling method for the key populations in this study. To estimate the population size of the female sex workers in Somalia with their HIV prevalence, the lead researcher will adapt available reports from Middle East and North African (MENA) countries.
  4. Assist IOM in selection and recruitment of enumerators for data collection and conduct data collection training, ensuring that 50% will be female enumerators and ensuring the participation of the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Officers from SCAC and Ministry of Social services. Throughout the training, enumerators and M&E officers will review the data collection tools to ensure that they are culturally acceptable.
  5. Work closely with SCAC and Ministry of Social services for the implementation of the data collection in the field. And also support IOM to obtain ethical clearance from SCAC for conducting the study.
  6. Conduct the formative study including pre-test, collaborate and cooperate closely with IOM, its partners, SCAC and MOH for efficiency and effectiveness of the study.
  7. Provide support to IOM Somalia team in Nairobi in ensuring that the questionnaires are shipped to Nairobi and data entry is done. Data entry will be done by IOM Somalia in Nairobi.
  8. Conduct data analysis with support from Data entry team and senior programme and Research assistant.
  9. Draft the formative research report, present it for validation and present/ disseminate the study with key stakeholders.
  10. Carry out any other relevant tasks assigned by Health Programme Coordinator.
Deliverables and estimated schedule
  1. Research tools and training (10th day of consultancy)
  2. Interim report (20th day of consultancy after conducting the field data collection)
  3. Submission of final research report for dissemination (last day of consultancy)
Payment schedule
First installment : Upon signing of contract: Second installment : Upon submission of the interim report Final instalment : Upon submission of the final report of the consultancy
Desirable Qualifications: 1. Postgraduate Degree in Public Health, Economics and Policy Studies of Technological Change, or Chemical Engineering. 2. Postgraduate qualification in Research will be an asset. 3. A minimum of three years’ experience in research with expertise in HIV, sexual behavior, most at risk populations and/or youth research, experience in formative study an asset. 4. Experience in developing research methodology and tools, writing concept notes for resource mobilization, strategic planning, working with government, especially National AIDS Commission, working in Somalia or working with Somalis (which can only be substituted by extensive and strong research as well as public health background.)
The incumbent will report to the Health Program Coordinator on weekly basis to assess the progress of the exercise.
Languages Fluency in spoken and written English. Knowledge and understanding of Arabic is desirable.
How to apply:
Method of Application: Interested candidates should submit CV and a cover letter indicating the Vacancy Notice Number, with three professional references and contacts (email or telephone) to the:
International Organization for Migration (IOM), Human Resources Department, Gitanga Groove, off Gitanga Road P.O. Box 1810 - 00606 Nairobi Or send by email to:
HIV Formative Study Researcher IN Kenya HIV Formative Study Researcher IN Kenya Reviewed by Unknown on 12:28:00 PM Rating: 5
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