Adeso Project Officer – Bosaso

Project Officer – Bosaso
Adeso is seeking a qualified and committed individual to join its team as Project Officer for the Natural Resource Management (NRM) program in Bosaso, Somalia. The incumbent will implement activities in the respective regions of the operational area, provide and implement weekly and monthly activity plans, liaise with community leaders, local authorities and beneficiaries, support and supervise community mobilisers, provide regular community and beneficiary feedback, oversee and manage project expenditures and ensure that projects are implemented in conformity with donor guidelines and procedures. The incumbent will also identify problem areas with the project implementation process and maintain strong links with partners/Government, providing advocacy support as needed.
Closing date 28 March 2013
Adeso Project Officer – Bosaso Adeso Project Officer – Bosaso Reviewed by Unknown on 8:00:00 AM Rating: 5
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