Local Short-Term Technical Assistance

Location: Kenya, Mozambique, Mali, and Coastal West Africa
Last Date: May 11, 2011

AMEX International, Inc., a Washington, DC-based international development consulting firm, is submitting a proposal to the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) titled “Defining the Potential Development Assistance Contributions to Counternarcotic Efforts in Africa.” This is a 1-year project that is expected to start in mid-June 2011. Basically, a small core team of perhaps 2-3 U.S.-based consultants will analyze the issue of drug trafficking in Africa, with a focus on development-related aspects, especially in identifying how development assistance can complement and benefit from the counternarcotic efforts of the US government (USG) interagency and key international partners.

The overall deliverable under this project will be a Program Guide that will assist USAID Missions and other Country Team staff to prevent, mitigate or respond to the effects of drug trafficking in coordination with other partners, including USG agencies, other donors, and host country actors. This Program Guide is expected to describe the relationship between development and drug trafficking in Africa, give an overview of how development assistance could complement other USG interagency and international counternarcotic approaches, provide general policy recommendations and programmatic guidance for development assistance counternarcotic efforts, and give details of an illustrative program design for at least one of the case studies done in the four countries targeted by the project..

At some point during the contract year, the core team will travel to Mozambique, Mali, Kenya, and fourth country to conduct in-person interviews with, and perhaps conduct surveys of, relevant persons and organizations over approximate 2-week periods in each country. The core team will prepare the basic evaluation documents, questionnaires, procedures, and lists of interviewees for these activities.

AMEX is seeking local consultants in the areas of Mozambique, northern Mali, coastal Kenya, and a coastal West African country such as Guinea or Guinea Bissau (but applicants from other coastal countries will be considered). Two local consultants are desired in each country for short-term assignments to assist the core evaluation team, primarily in data gathering and setting up meetings. Prior to the team’s arrival in each country, the chosen country consultants will be given the background information they need to share the performance of tasks, which could include: compile country statistics (government data); develop interview schedule (help identify key informants and schedule interviews); schedule interviews with host country government officials and with other relevant persons and organizations; assist in other data gathering activities; assist in conducting interviews and surveys; help plan focus group meetings (i.e., business associations and NGOs); and make logistical arrangements for the core team’s housing and travel while they are in-country. Local consultants will be needed for perhaps a month during the contract year to cover preparatory work for the core team’s arrival, and to assist the team during their 2-week stay. Exact times of these in-country visits are not yet established, but will probably take place between fall 2011 and spring 2012.

Requirements of applicants include: College or university degree; fluency in writing, speaking, and reading English; 5 years of relevant experience; availability to work on the project for at least a month during the contract year.

Applicants are requested to email the following five items by May 11:
(1) your most current and complete resume, being sure that it also contains full contact information for you—email, phone, address, and (if available) Skype;
(2) a completed USAID 1420 form;
(3) an AMEX skills summary form;
(4) a cover email or letter attached to the email that specifies your country of current residence, summarizes your suitability for the position, and that indicates the amount of time (especially between fall 2011 and spring 2012) that you are available to work on this project; and
(5) contact information for 2-3 business references (these can be the same as, or different from, the references given on your 1420 form).

The USAID 1420 form provides information that AMEX and USAID need on your salary history (in terms of U.S. dollars), job history, business references, and language skills. The 1420 form and skills summary form can be downloaded from the Job Openings section of the Recruitment page of the AMEX website: www.amexdc.com . That section also contains a link to the full description of the project’s background and goals.

Email your applications and other materials by May 11 to: resumes@amexdc.com , using Counternarcotics in the subject line of your email to assure that your application is promptly routed to the correct department.

Local Short-Term Technical Assistance Local Short-Term Technical Assistance Reviewed by Unknown on 12:24:00 AM Rating: 5

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