Monday, May 30, 2016
Duty Station :
NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency, Midrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Head, Regional Integration and Trade Division

The NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency invites applicants who are citizens of African Union Member States for the post of Programme Officer: Gender.
In recognition of the importance of gender equality, and inclusiveness in infrastructure development in Africa, that the Capacity Building Programme (PIDA CAP) for regional and continental infrastructure development in Africa (PIDA) - under the coordination of NEPAD as executing agency for the PIDA priority action plan (PIDA PAP), seeks the services of a Programme Officer: Gender – to advise the NEPAD Agency and the capacity building Project Coordinating Unit, of appropriate policies and strategies and actions/activities, required to mainstream gender, in PIDA’s implementation.
Under the supervision of the Head, Regional Integration and Trade Division ISBU or his or her delegate, the Programme Officer: Gender shall support the project implementation activities of the PIDA capacity building project.
Applications should be forwarded utilizing ‘’Arial’’ font 11.5: To apply, please submit the following:
- A motivation letter stating reasons for seeking this vacant position and employment with NEPAD.
- Detailed and updated curriculum vitae (CV), not exceeding five (5) pages, and indicating your nationality and gender.
- Three (3) referees with knowledge of the candidate’s work, furnishing full contact details, telephone and email addresses.
- Certified copies of degrees and diplomas.
Applications must be received not later than Monday, 30 May 2016 and should be addressed to:
Head of Human Resources
NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency
P O Box 218; Midrand, 1685
South Africa
Programme Officer: Gender
Reviewed by Unknown
12:59:00 AM