If you are an experienced Human Resources professional with strong credentials managing human resources activities, and have a passion for making a lasting difference for women, children and adolescents, UNICEF wants to hear from you!
Talent Groups at UNICEF are lists of pre-vetted, highly qualified professionals intended to expedite recruitment processes as positions become available. After undergoing a rigorous selection process, successful candidates will be placed in a Human Resources Talent Group at either the P-3 or P-4 level. While placement in a Talent Group does not guarantee a position with UNICEF, as positions become available in UNICEF globally, successfully placed candidates in the Talent Groups will be reviewed, and if found suitable, will be offered placement in a Country Office, Regional Office or Headquarters location through a direct selection process.
The types of posts that will be staffed with candidates from the Talent Group may include:
Human Resources Specialists managing human resources activities, including the supervision of human resources staff in Country/Regional Offices or Headquarters locations, in accordance with HR strategy and work plans, and the goals and strategic needs of the organization. S/he will promote a gender-balanced and multidisciplinary team of professionals.
Human Resources Managers managing all human resources activities, including the supervision of human resources staff in Country/Regional Offices or Headquarters locations, in accordance with HR strategy and work plans, and the goals and strategic needs of the organization. S/he will promote a gender-balanced and multidisciplinary team of professionals.
For more information regarding key expected results and detailed information on the desired competencies of a successful candidate, and to apply for the Human Resources Talent Groups at the P-3 and P-4 levels, please click here by the deadline of 16 February 2015 (11:59 p.m. EST). Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Human Resources Jobs at UNICEF - Jan 2015
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12:04:00 AM