
The Inter-Governmental Authority for Development (IGAD) is a Regional Economic Community (REC) of the African Union, comprising eight countries that are usually referred to as the Horn of Africa (HoA). The area includes some of the most arid places in the world and is highly prone to droughts and other impacts of climate change which are becoming major threats to the sub-region’s life-supporting ecosystems and services thereby posing major challenges to socio-economic development.

The HoA region is one of the poorest in the world and IGAD Member States (MS) are classified among the low human development countries. Resource scarcity is exacerbated by frequent disasters. In fact, the HoA is one of the most conflict- and disaster- prone regions of the world. Conflict in the region occurs at several levels, including inter- and intra- state wars, and armed conflicts and inter-communal conflicts (the latter being the most frequent). The intimate link of these conflicts with resource scarcity is evident by reviewing the causal analysis of the inter-communal conflicts.

While the population has historically demonstrated its capacity to mitigate the negative impacts of such extreme events, the impact of climate change has rapidly increased the frequency of disasters and eroded the adaptation and recovery capacity in the HoA. The drought of 2011 is a clear demonstration of this reduction in mitigation capacity in countries in the HoA. The disaster witnessed the worst food security crisis in over twenty years, and, in the case of Somalia, the first famine of the 21st century.

Overall, IGAD countries are struggling to meet the MDGs and climate change is increasing their risk of falling short of these goals. Comprehensive approaches to adaptation are needed to meet the scale of the challenge. Livelihood choices are often limited and adaptation is frequently the only option available. Lack of adaptive capacity among communities results in competition for scarce resources which in turn generates social upheavals and conflicts.

Responding to climate change will require systematic action across all levels of development planning and implementation. The sub-region needs to strengthen the ability to anticipate, cope, resist and recover from climate change shocks. These capacities together are termed “resilience”. In pre-disaster contexts, resilience includes proactive measures that reduce exposure, vulnerabilities and risks. In post-disaster contexts, resilience includes the ability to organize effective relief and recovery processes.

Based on the above need, a project entitled, Strengthening the Capacity of IGAD in Building Resilience in the Horn of Africa, was developed by UNDP together with IGAD and other development partners (including the Global Alliance for Action for Drought Resilience and Growth and its participating organizations) to ensure that critical UNDP assistance can be made available to support IGAD capacity building in light of the mandate provided to the institution to lead and coordinate the implementation of the drought resilience agenda in the Horn of Africa. The project strategy is informed by IGAD’s strategic development frameworks as reflected in the institution’s mission and guided by UNDP’s capacity development framework which seeks to enhance institutional management and technical capacities, systems, and processes within IGAD to improve its service delivery in support of reducing and building resilience to crises in the region.

With the goal of achieving sustainable development in the HoA by developing drought resilience, underpinned by robust preparedness and response capacity at all levels (IGAD Secretariat, its Member States and pastoral communities), the project  is focused on the achievement of four key outputs:
  • Strengthened capacity of the IGAD Secretariat to plan, implement and coordinate Drought Emergency activities in the Horn of Africa under the Institutional Strengthening Action Plan (ISAP) Framework;
  • Drought Resilience and Disaster Risk Management related knowledge products, polices and systems made available;
  • Development  and implementation of  IGAD’s resource mobilisation and partnership strategy to strengthen drought resilience in the region;
  • Strengthened  National Coordination Mechanisms of Member States for Drought Resilience.
The project is implemented in close coordination with other RBA regional projects, especially the “Enhanced regional capacities in Africa for preventing and recovering from crisis caused by natural disasters and conflicts” and “Management of environmental services and financing for sustainable development” projects.  Linkages are also established with the RBAS regional “Arab Climate Resilience Initiative (ACRI)” project, which targets Somalia, Sudan and Djibouti, to maximise synergies and complementarities, particularly with respect to best practices, knowledge sharing and lessons learned. The Regional Service Centres in Addis Ababa (RBA) and Cairo (RBAS) plays a critical role with regard to knowledge management and information sharing, ensuring that the linkages between this joint regional initiative and the Country Offices are maintained.

The Project Management Specialist (PMS) will provide support to the implementation of the project and provide specialized technical support in the area of programming. Reporting to the Chief Technical Advisor/Project Manager, the Project Management Specialist will deputize for the CTA/Project Manager and work in close collaboration with the project team, including experts seconded from Member States, and relevant staff in the IGAD Secretariat.

Duties and Responsibilities

Provide support to implementation of the project, focusing on achievement of the following results:
  • Support the CTA/Project Manager in ensuring that the main objectives and outputs of the project are achieved in the most efficient and effective manner;
  • Provide strategic support in the planning, budgeting, implementing and monitoring of project activities, tracking the use of financial resources in accordance with UNDP rules and regulations;
  • Prepare monitoring and progress reports, work plans, budget and expenditure statements for review by the CTA/Project Manager;
  • Promote IGAD ownership and the institutionalization and sustainability of DRM and resilience initiatives supported under the project;
  • Support the identification of clear and achievable physical and financial targets, a realistic work plan to reach them and an agreed upon monitoring and reporting system.
Provide Technical Assistance, focusing on achievement of the following results:
  • Lead the aspect of resilience and DRM programming within the Regional Platform for Disaster Resilience and Sustainability and support overall Platform activities as a member of the Platform Coordination Unit;
  • Support the Regional Platform Coordination Unit and the IGAD Secretariat in the identification, formulation, and appraisal of new programmes and projects;
  • Mainstream the RPP and CPPs into regional and national development frameworks and plans;
  • Lead the development and application of an ICT-based management and information system and applications that enhances the work planning, workflow management, monitoring and evaluation and other business processes of the IGAD Secretariat;
  • Work with various counterparts, including Member States in the HoA and key national and regional institutions towards mainstreaming, coordination, and programming;
  • Provide high quality technical and advisory inputs, particularly in the areas of platform coordination and programming.
Provide support for effective Strategic Partnerships and Resource Mobilization, focusing on achievement of the following results:
  • Work closely with the IGAD and its Secretariat, including key national and regional institutions, especially National Platforms, in the mainstreaming of RPP and CPPs, programming of resilience and DRM initiatives through the Regional Platform and development and roll-out of the Development Assistance Databas;
  • Coordinate with other agencies and bodies at regional and national levels to support the effective and efficient implementation of the project and delivery of products;
  • Create and coordinate partnerships among the various platform entities, implementing partners, donors, other actors in the field of resilience and DRM and partner governments for a timely, resource-bound and effective implementation of project activities;
  • Represent UNDP in relevant global, regional, and national forums, meetings, workshops, etc. as delegated by the CTA/Project Manager;
  • Support the implementation of resource mobilization strategies to generate resources and achieve project outcomes.
Support facilitation of knowledge building and knowledge sharing, focusing on achievement of the following results:
  • Support knowledge management related to resilience building and DRM across IGAD and ensure its reflection in global knowledge management platforms and communities of practice;
  • Support the capturing of project results in knowledge products and communicate widely in IGAD and at global levels;
  • Support the creation of a learning environment and systematic information and knowledge sharing within the project team;
  • Assist the project team in the delivery of quality knowledge management products, systems, services, etc. supported under the project and its effective integration and compatibility with other practice areas;
  • Contribute to knowledge networks and communities of practice at regional and global levels.


Core Competencies:
  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of the DAG;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism.
Functional Competencies:

Knowledge Management and Learning:
  • Promotes a knowledge sharing and learning culture;
  • In-depth knowledge on governance and development issues;
  • Ability to advocate and provide policy advice;
  • Actively works towards continuing personal learning and development in one or more Practice Areas, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills.
Development and Operational Effectiveness:
  • Ability to apply and work within a system of strategic planning, results-based management and reporting
  • Ability to analyze development, institutional and governance issues and present concise, practical and accessible proposals and recommendations
  • Ability to provide professional advice on the formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development programmes and projects
  • Strong IT skills
  • Ability to analyze and advise on ways to enhance donor coordination arrangements
Management and Leadership:
  • Focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback;
  • Understands and applies appropriate team roles effectively and shows conflict resolution skills;
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
  • Demonstrates strong oral and written communication skills;
  • Builds strong relationships with clients and external actors;
  • Remains calm, in control and good humored even under pressure;
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities.

Required Skills and Experience

  • M.A/M.Sc. Degree in Management, International Development Studies, Environmental Science,  Natural Resources Management, Social Sciences and Natural Science or related qualification from a recognized University;
  • Specialization in the area of programming and coordination is an advantage.
  • At least 5 years of professional experience in managing large-scale projects with a strong programming or resilience building approach;
  • Extensive international experience in working with governments, multilateral and bilateral development agencies and civil society organizations;
  • At least 3 years of international field experience (inclusive in the 5 years of professional experience) in a country/ies with similar development circumstances.
Language Requirements:    
  • Fluency in both written and spoken English;
  • Ability to speak and write in French is an advantage.
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