Application Deadline : 30-Oct-13
Additional CategoryPoverty Reduction
Type of Contract : Individual Contract
Post Level : National Consultant
Languages Required : English
Duration of Initial Contract : 42 working days
The Ministry of Industry and Trade in collaboration with UNDP and the EIF Secretariat, is implementing a project for strengthening capacity to mainstream Trade in national plans and programmes as a way of increasing incomes and reduce poverty. Benefits of trade for majority of ordinary small farmers and small enterprises are often no fully realized because trade takes place in a situation where value chains are either lacking or not properly developed. Hence the link between trade development and poverty reduction has not been fully appreciated and at best is given a secondary consideration in formulation of development plans and programmes. Tanzania has high potential for production and trade in organic agricultural products (such as honey) if value chains for these products can be properly developed. These will have both environment conservation and income benefits to small holder farmers.
Deliverable 1: Inception report submitted to Ministry of Trade proposing the methodology for the study
Deliverable 2: Final report of the study including presentation of key findings in a formal stakeholders meeting
Project Background:
The purpose of the consultancy is twofold, (i) To conduct a mapping exercise on production of one product value chain (honey) using at least two selected districts known for their high but unexploited potential (Njombe and Siha districts) and (ii) To develop innovative value chain solutions and a summary of recommendations for each of the two products for the selected districts. The results of this consultancy will then be used as models for up-scaling and replication in other districts in Tanzania with high potential for these products.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Conduct desk review of existing information on value chain(s) for the honey industry in Tanzania;
- Engage with local authorities in Njombe and Siha districts and MIT for identification of target groups
- Develop a value chain proposal for each of the two products (from production, value addition and market) including issues pertaining to quality and standards and a clear road map for the development of the Value Chains in the two districts.
- Engage and sensitize with producers groups on formation of Marketing Cooperatives and Savings and Credit Societies
- Identify financial institution(s) and prospective markets and link them with the target producer groups/beneficiaries
- Engage with local authorities in Njombe and Siha districts and MIT on implementation of the road map.
- Prepare a detailed report, for honey value chains with recommendations for a sequenced action plan for implementation.
- Excellent interpersonal skills and good team spirit;
- Excellent report writing skills
- Groups formation and mobilization skills
- Knowledge in use of computer software packages for word-processing, databases and spreadsheets
- Experience and skills in training and transfer of knowledge;
- Excellent communication and facilitation skills;
- Ability to follow deadlines, accuracy and attention to detail.
- Able to engage with those of varying degrees of expertise and knowledge (especially farmers)
Required Skills and Experience
- Minimum of a Masters degree in economics, commerce, agricultural economics or agribusiness
- At least 5 years working experience in value chains; preferably in Tanzania/East Africa
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6:58:00 AM