LWR does not implement projects directly but rather plays a facilitation role in enhancing partners' capacity to plan and implement their own projects. Thus, LWR-East Africa Regional Office (LWR-EARO) partners with Community based Organizations (CBOs), Faith Based Organizations (FBOs), NGOs and INGOs in supporting community development activities.
2.0 Background
Lutheran World Relief has been undertaking an Emergency Response Project "Back from the Brink"with two partners Makindu and Neema Self-help groups in Makindu area that has involved undertaking the rehabilitation of irrigation infrastructure through cash for work activities, catchment and environmental conservation and capacity building of the Makindu and Neema self-help groups.
The work has culminated in the formation of a Cooperative Society , Mazao Cooperative Society, that is composed of members from Makindu and Neema self-help groups. The society is however in its infancy but seeks to evolve into a vibrant marketing and savings cooperative that will provide members with collective marketing, production and financial services revolving around the rehabilitated irrigation infrastructure. The Cooperative Society has already been supported by LWR to build a market centre and offices in Makindu and has received several trainings from the Ministry of Cooperative in strategic and business planning and savings mobilization. It currently has a membership of 246 farmers and is growing.
In spite of the development of the cropping calendar and formation of the producer groups, Cooperative production is still low even in areas where farmers have access to water for irrigation. There is a lot of wastage and production is not based on the guidelines proposed but mostly on the farmers' perception of what the market wants and available inputs. As such, there is need to strengthen the producers' capacity to produce the quantities stated by improving access to inputs, providing technical support and strengthening the organizational capacity of the producer groups. In addition, the concept of joint marketing is new in the area and the newly formed cooperative society needs support in developing and implementing appropriate production and marketing strategies. The managerial skills of the marketing skills need also to be strengthened to enable the Cooperative to source for markets, bulk and market the produce, mobilize savings and increase access to credit to producer groups to purchase inputs.
The Cooperative Society still has weaknesses in collective marketing, savings mobilization and financial management while Neema and Makindu self-help groups also need additional capacity in the management of the irrigation and water systems they operate on behalf of their members.
Lutheran World Relief intends to expand the scope of its work in Makindu areas in response to the current drought being experienced in Kenya. This will entail expanding soil and water conservation activities by supporting the construction of appropriate water structures in (the neighbouring Kiboko sub catchment area and downstream of Makindu sub catchment area .
The expansion into these areas will involve working with additional partners to the current Mazao Cooperative Society. Through a previous rapid assessment process Kiboko Water Users Association and Ndukangeuke Self Help Groups were identified as potential partners in this expansion process.
Both Kiboko WRUA and Ndukangeuke SHG still require capacity strengthening in leadership, governance and financial management to enable them become strong organizations through which community development initiatives can be implemented. These two partners have not yet received any support from LWR.
Kiboko WRUA was formed in 2004 and registered in 2005. The WRUA started as a self help group of farmers cultivating along the riverine and was later transformed into a WRUA on sensitization on the provisions for community participation in water resource management. Kiboko WRUA has 250 members and has formulated regulations governing the conduct of its members with regard to resource use and irrigation.
The WRUA has a management committee comprising 32 members drawn from 16 sub- committees that contribute two members to the management committee. With the support of Water Resource Management Authority, the WRUA has prepared a sub catchment management plan which seeks address issues of several issues among them improving water allocation and supply, protection of water sources catchment rehabilitation and protection, management and mitigation of human/wildlife conflict, and institutional development.
Ndukangeuke SHG was founded in 2007 and is run by a management committee composed of 8 members (4 men and 4 women) who are elected annually during the annual general meeting. Within the management committee, there is an Executive Committee of 5 people responsible for overall leadership, planning and day to day running of the group activities. The group has been involved in soil and water conservation, savings and loan through table banking and tree nursery management. The group has not received any financial support and relies on their own contributions to manage their activities. LWR has already identified the need to support group capacity on leadership skills and community mobilization among other skills.
These partners will all therefore require Organizational Capacity Building to fulfill the role that will be required of them in the expanded project in Makindu area.
The purpose of this consultancy is therefore to provide Organizational Capacity Building in the following
key competencies:
1. Governance and institution building including leadership, group management, constitution
development and member mobilization.
2. Financial Management including savings mobilization and access to credit for members.
3. Organizational strategic development including business planning.
4. Technical production skills and collective marketing.
5. Effective and sustainable watershed management, maintenance and utilization; and irrigation system management, maintenance and utilization (for Neema & Makindu communities). The support is to be provided to the current and new LWR partners in the Makindu area who include Neema and Makindu Self-help groups and Mazao Cooperative Society, Ngukangeuke Self Help Group and Kiboko Water Resource Users Association.
4.0 Key Objectives and Outputs:
1. Undertake an assessment of the current status and capacities of the five organizations:Ngukangeuke, Kiboko WRUA, Neema Self-Help Group (water management sector only), Makindu Self-Help Group (water management sector only), and Mazao Cooperative Society with regard to the key competencies required. This will determine the gap in the current capacities and the nature of the competencies that need to be developed to address this gap. The Mazao Cooperative Society assessment should take into account its long term goal of providing its memberships with financial, marketing and production support services.
2. Based on this assessment develop a training and technical assistance plan for each of the organizations outlining the type and nature of capacity building interventions to be provided including the methodology to be adopted , key trainings to be conducted and outline the time span required. These trainings are to be provided in a mentorship type process with key emphasis on learning by doing through experience.
3. Outline the key outputs that will be achieved by the training and technical assistance plans for each of the groups and develop a programme with the timings and cost structure for delivering these outputs.
4.0 Key Objectives and Outputs:
1. Undertake an assessment of the current status and capacities of the five organizations: Ngukangeuke, Kiboko WRUA, Neema Self-Help Group (water management sector only), Makindu Self-Help Group (water management sector only), and Mazao Cooperative Society with regard to the key competencies required. This will determine the gap in the current capacities and the nature of the competencies that need to be developed to address this gap. The Mazao Cooperative Society assessment should take into account its long term goal of providing its memberships with financial, marketing and production support services.
2. Based on this assessment develop a training and technical assistance plan for each of the organizations outlining the type and nature of capacity building interventions to be provided including the methodology to be adopted , key trainings to be conducted and outline the time span required. These trainings are to be provided in a mentorship type process with key emphasis on learning by doing through experience.
3. Outline the key outputs that will be achieved by the training and technical assistance plans for each of the groups and develop a programme with the timings and cost structure for delivering these outputs.
5.0 Implementation period:
The consultant/consultancy firm will be engaged on a short term basis, based on an agreed action plan and should be available immediately.
6.0 Qualifications:
? A reliable and effective firm/individual with experience in assessing and planning for
organization capacity strengthening and a proven record in delivering professional results
? Fluent in English and Kiswahili
? Experience in the Eastern Kenya region would be advantageous
? Only Kenya-based candidates will be considered due to time and resource considerations
7.0 Submission of Proposal - deadline November 25, 2011
The consultancy firm/consultant should provide the following;
1. Capability statement - evidence of similar assignments undertaken in the last 3-5 years ,
resumes of key personnel and their availability to execute the assignment
2. A clear proposal outlining the methodology that will be used
3. Proposed timeline for carrying out the tasks and submission of deliverables
4. Budget/ cost proposal
5. Contact details for at least 3 organizations who have engaged the applicant for similar assignments who may be contacted by LWR during the proposal review process.
Please DO NOT apply using this online application system. All application materials should be submitted electronically to info@lwrearo.org
Organizational Capacity Building Consultant Lutheran World Relief
Reviewed by Unknown
6:42:00 AM
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