Economist / Nutritionist UNICEF Bujumbura


Terms of reference

Position Title: 2 Consultants or Institution

Place: Bujumbura, BURUNDI

Proposed level: L4 (economist), L-3 (Nutritionist)

Period: 4 months

Fees: (To be determined by Human Resources)

Supervisor: Social Policy Specialist

Starting date: May 2012


The situation analysis of children and women is a central function of UNICEF’s mandate for informing policy dialogue and child-focused policy advocacy. In Burundi, a situation analysis was done in May 2009. This report was diagnosed on the achievement level of children's rights and women as defined in the CRC and CEDAW.

Given the economic and social reforms that the country is implementing, there is therefore need for solid analysis and information on children and women, to enable advocacy for social policies and the allocation of resources for children and women, by policy makers, donors and other stakeholders in the context of the PRSP, MDGs and Vision 2025.

National context

Burundi is still recovering from a long civil war that lasted over sixteen years. Since 2000, Burundi's economy has resumed a slow but positive economic growth with an average growth rate of 3%. In 2010, economic growth stood at 3.9% against 4.2% in 2011 and 5.2% in 2012 if the political environment and climatic conditions are favorable. GDP per capita is estimated at USD 170 286 in 2011 against USD in 1993. The country depends heavily on foreign aid (about 60% of budget) which could diminish in coming years, due to the crisis in donor countries.

Ranked 185th of 187 countries on the basis of the Human Development Indicator (World Human Development Report, 2011), Burundi is among the five poorest countries in the world. Nevertheless, it should be noted that human development in Burundi following an upward trend mainly due to progress in terms of health and education. Life expectancy is 50.4 years and is not far from catching its pre-civil war level (51 years in 1993). The infant mortality rate rose to 88 per 1,000 live births in 2010 against 120 in 2005, and the child mortality rate from 142 per 1,000. The maternal mortality rate, meanwhile, rose from 855 in 2000, 615 in 2005 to 866 (RGPH 2008) per 100,000 live births. The acute malnutrition rate was reduced by 10% to 6% in 2010 (SWOC 2011).

Despite the improvements mentioned above, the proportion of the population living below the poverty line rose from 47.8% in 1994 to 67%. Poverty is mainly rural in Burundi and the question of the survival of households face of multiple shocks determines, among other things, the welfare of children and women.

In the education sector, the educational reforms (access and completion of primary education for all children) are now bearing fruit, particularly in terms of quantity. The application of the policy of free tuition fees in September 2005 led to record gains in net enrollment rate, which rose from 59% to 96.1% in 2011 with a rate of 97.6% for boys and 94.8% for girls. The parity index (1) was also significantly improved at the primary level, but with regional disparities, and progress is needed in high school. However, serious challenges particularly in terms of quality remain a concern in a context marked by the lack of qualified teachers, school infrastructure, teaching materials and by too high numbers in class rooms (student ratio per class of 83), the practice of double shifting with its corollary of reduced learning time for students.

The government of Burundi still sets a goal of achieving primary education for all (Millennium Development 2) in 2015. To do this, the Ministry of Education has prepared a Sector Plan for Development of Education and Training 2008-2015 (PSDEF) that is being revised to reflect the new vision for the development of the sector, that of basic education of nine years.

Concerning the protection of children, it remains a concern in Burundi with a 892.400 orphans and vulnerable children, 3.253 children living on the streets in the cities of Bujumbura, Gitega and Ngozi. There is also sexual violence and gender violence, which affects mostly girls and especially underage girls. This is a consequence of the long crisis in the country.

In terms of socio-economic policy, the government of Burundi has implemented the first strategic framework to fight against poverty (PRSP I, 2007-2010) since 2007. The PRSP I had four main objectives: security and governance, sustainable and equitable growth, human capital development and the fight against AIDS. At the end of the execution process of PRSP I, the government undertook an evaluation of the performance achieved, which allowed to draw lessons contained in the PRSP II (2012-2016). In addition, as part of the integrated support strategy (UNDAF 2010-2014) of United Nations in Burundi, a mid-term review is planned in 2012.

The burden of malnutrition in Burundi

According to preliminary results of DHS 2010, stunting in Burundi is of 58%, considered now among highest in the World. Since past 5 years no improvement in stunting has been registered (53% in 2005) although underweight has improved from 39% to 29% and acute malnutrition from 7.5% to 6%. The basic analysis of key indicators of causal determinants of this situation points out the food insecurity which has become major problem in past years due to insufficient production given demography and chronic high food prices (increasing food deficit in cereal population, decreased bean production which is important source of protein).

In 2011, national food deficit was 18% of total needs, and kcal consumed per person per day is 1600 kcal versus the norm of 2100 kcal.

Indeed, although the Infant and Young children feeding practices have improved over the past 5 years (ex. early initiation of breastfeeding 74%, exclusive breastfeeding 69% and timely introduction of foods 70%) the recent UNICEF KAP survey results showed poor ‘minimum diet’ for children 6-24 months in both quantity and quality; around only 19%-33% children 6-24 months are receiving minimum adequate diet in terms of frequency of meals per day and number of food groups consumed. Key disaggregated data at subnational levels by sex, wealth quintiles are still lacking and this is currently limits more in-depth analysis for targeting most vulnerable peoples. However, disparities in nutrition are very apparent with for instance higher national malnutrition prevalence in rural area and among children whose mothers have lower education level.

In addition, other major causes of this fragile nutrition status include weak hygiene and sanitation practices and prevalence of childhood diseases, notably diarrhea and ARI including pneumonia

In this context, UNICEF Burundi plans to undertake a situation analysis of children (SitAN) devoted to the crucial problem of malnutrition. The choice of this theme is justified by the particularly high percentage of children under age 5 suffering from chronic malnutrition (58%, 2010) classifying Burundi as one of the countries with the highest prevalence of stunting in Africa and the world. This analysis is a continuation of the first National Forum on Food Security and Nutrition held in Burundi from 12 to 14 December 2011

It will address this issue from all angles to identify gaps and refine the institutional response. The main conclusions of the analysis will feed into the mid-term review of Country Programme and the operational process of program planning and serve as a tool for advocacy and resource mobilization.

In addition, UNICEF plans to contribute through this exercise to a better understanding of the new socioeconomic and political context of national development by assessing the progress made for children and women in Burundi. More generally, this study will provide recommendations on necessary investments to make in medium and long term in view of achieving the MDGs and Vision 2025.


The main purpose of this study is to analyze and understand the key drivers and causes of chronic malnutrition among children under 5 years in Burundi. Conducting a deep analysis of the situation of children in the nutrition sector will enable the Government of Burundi and its partners to contribute sufficient information on the major and real challenges of children in nutrition and targeting of priorities vis-à-vis the PRSP II and MDGs. It is justified also by the need to have updated analytical information on the situation of children for the preparation of the next UNDAF and the mid-term review of cooperation program 2010-2014 between the Government of Burundi and UNICEF.

The main expected results are:
1) Presentation of the situation of children regarding the malnutrition in Burundi,
2) the analysis of multiple causes of malnutrition,
3) analysis of the national response and bottlenecks
4) the identification of discrepancies in equity but also;
5) guidelines and recommendations that could help a reformulation of the strategic reduction of malnutrition.

The analysis of the state of malnutrition will be at the most decentralized level possible, provinces or municipalities in order to capture the underlying disparities.

Starting from the conceptual framework for analysis of Malnutrition developed by Urban Jonsson (UNICEF, 2003), the analysis will highlight the game of the interrelationships between malnutrition and the various explanatory factors (immediate causes, underlying causes, root causes). It is therefore appropriate to identify both the interventions required to strengthen the results for disadvantaged children and the bottlenecks that limit the effectiveness of these interventions at the community level. Armed with these key findings, the study pursues the aim of providing essential light to programs to adjust their interventions.

The findings and recommendations will help to determine the investment needed for Burundi to achieve its long-term visions for children. The main users of this report will be decision makers in government and UN agencies and partners of bilateral, multilateral and universities.

In particular, the study will evaluate/assess the following:

• Progress on the results achieved since 2009 in the nutrition of children;
• Trends in nutrition status of children under-five years, disaggregated by gender, wealth quintiles, and geographical location to assess gaps
• Investments in the medium and long term but also recommendations for policies and national strategies;
• Economic impact of chronic malnutrition in the short, medium and long term


Conducting the situation analysis will be done in a participatory manner involving all stakeholders: grassroots communities (opinion leaders, people, religious leaders ...), children and women through interviews planned where available data show that necessity, the state departments, government partners, civil society, agencies of the UN system, through the thematic groups to develop and validation of the results of the study and their restitution, once the document is finalized. As underlined in the Updated Guidance on conducting Situation Analysis December 2011 (to consult), the SitAN Steering Committee established for this purpose will oversee all the process.

Under the supervision of the Social Policy Specialist, who has the overall responsibility for providing guidance and leadership for the SitAN, and in close collaboration with the Steering Committee, the team of consultants shall conduct a desk review of relevant and the latest documents and research on children and women. This critical first step must involve all stakeholders and used to assess the quality of available data. The involvement and commitment of stakeholders will be ensured at the Steering Committee level. The selection of members of the Steering Committee must be representative of key departments involved in the issue and those of sister institutions of the UN system involved (FAO, WFP, WB, IMF, etc.).

This step is intended primarily to make an inventory of current knowledge or the State of the Art and identify gaps to be filled in terms of data.

The analysis will be based on the analytical framework of bottlenecks to identify areas of inequity and low performance.

Moreover, it should mobilize various sources of available information. This particular study will analyze the latest available data, including preliminary results from the Demographic and Health Survey 2010, KAP 2011, data from the last population census in 2008, Burundinfo, the report of the qualitative study of the phenomenon of street children in Burundi in 2010, analyzing the situation of children in residential centers in Burundi, the Assessment of Basic Obstetrical and Neonatal Emergency, etc.. The statistical data presented should be disaggregated, as far as possible.

The analysis will also explore the link between chronic malnutrition and the key strategies of the Government of Burundi (Vision 2025 and the Poverty Reduction Strategy, 2nd generation) both in negative (impact of chronic malnutrition on the objectives of those strategies) and positive terms (strategies to combat chronic malnutrition enabling achievement of results).

It will also exploit the routine data produced of the health system. Focus groups discussions with beneficiaries and target populations in the field as well as experts will complete the collection process but also analyze information collected.

The final document after approval by the members of the Steering Committee will be presented to partners and all stakeholders for discussion and validation.

Expected Results

The expected outcomes of this consultation will be:
1) A methodological note to be produced a week after signature of the contract by the two consultants;
2) A preliminary report resulting from the literature review. This preliminary report should include an executive summary of maximum 4 pages
3) A high quality document (maximum of 55 pages excluding appendices) should be produced, establishing causal links that explain the non-realization of the rights of children and responsible actors. The language of the final document will be French and translated in English. The final document must contain the following:
• Review of the development context of Burundi by exploiting all available information sources including the World Bank, IMF, ILO etc. critical reading should enable to draw conclusions that reflect the MDGs,
• Present the progress in relation to nutrition and underlying causes compared to the 2009 situation;
• Present and analyze trends in the nutritional status of children under five years, disaggregated by sex, wealth quintiles, and the location to assess the gaps,
• Identify the major determinants of chronic malnutrition in Burundi and the interrelationships among multiple causes using the conceptual framework –(see annex 1)
• Cost the economic impact that chronic malnutrition has on the economic development of Burundi in the short, medium and long term
• Identify bottlenecks in institutional, programmatic, service delivery and community levels including the allocation of resources (human and financial) in the fight against malnutrition, partnerships and intersectorialities based on tools developed with the national nutrition team
• Identify serious partnership to be developed to strengthen the links between various relevant sectors;
• Identify appropriate mechanisms to involve and engage communities;
• Recommendations for the most important investments and actions for the immediate future, medium and long term by the Government of Burundi and Development Partners, these recommendations should be based on best practices and new practices emerging at the global level in order to feed policies and national strategies;
• Recommendations on the most effective ways to address chronic malnutrition and estimation of the costs of different instruments proposed
4) A summary document containing key points (approximately 15 pages) and a policy brief
5) The power point presentations at the validation workshop / feedback and meetings (with potential stakeholders).

Consultation Team

The SitAN Team, either individuals or institutional, will be responsible for conducting the analysis, undertake data analysis on identified issue and prepare draft and final reports for discussion with members of the Steering Committee. Relevant hypotheses about the underlying causes for the observed trends in malnutrition will be developed, e.g. the social and economic conditions in the country, policy initiatives by government in relevant sectors and other community.

Team Leader, Expert in development economics: roles and responsibilities

The Team Leader (TL) will be responsible for:

• Hiring a suitable National consultant, under his supervision, to conduct research in Burundi.
• Leading the process with the Nutrition Expert and the national consultant and conducts an entry working session to ensure that the SiTAN approach, Methodology and Guidelines, plan and responsibilities are clearly understood.
• Review of available information on the social and economic conditions in the country, policy initiatives by government namely undertake a review of the PRSP II and other relevant documents including Vision 2025 and sectoral policy documents and strategies,
• Assesses results and outcomes related to socioeconomic environment,
• Costs the economic impact of chronic malnutrition on the economic development of Burundi in the short, medium and long term
• Participates in the first and final Steering Committee meeting to present findings, conclusions and emerging recommendations and make necessary revisions to the final report.
• Prepares a first draft of the SitAN report with power point presentation highlighting the preliminary results to be discussed with Steering Committee members in collaboration with and inputs from the Nutrition Expert.
• Discusses and revises the first draft of the SitAN after the Steering committee meeting in consultation with Nutrition Expert and NTF before presentation to reviewers and revises the report according to reviewers’ comments.
• Revises the second draft report taking into account the comments received from the NTF in BCO, RO and Steering Committee members.
• Finalizes the SitAN report and prepares a Policy brief with technical inputs ensured by Nutrition Expert.

National consultant: roles and responsibilities

Under the the general responsibility of Team Leader, the incumbent will:
- Assists the Team Leader to collect relevant data and information on socioeconomic environment,
- Assists the coordination of the field activities under the leadership of the Team Leader,
- Facilitates and accompanies to the meetings for consultation during the whole process
- Support the costing of the economic impact of chronic malnutrition on the economic development of Burundi in the short, medium and long term
- Identify national budget allocated in particular to nutrition and in general to social sectors
- Contributes to presentation of preliminary results to the country office and national counterparts.
- Participates in the final validation to present the main findings, conclusions and emerging recommendations and make necessary revisions to the final report.

Expert in nutrition or public health: roles and responsibilities

Under the general responsibility of Team Leader and the technical guidance of the Head of Health and Nutrition programme and the nutrition specialist, the incumbent will:
• Assist the team leader in charge of the entire consultation of writing the SitAN
• Review available information on the health and nutritional situation in Burundi, water and sanitation, food security and demographic information including mortality and morbidity data to support the literature review report
• Inquiry additional literature and other available documentation on nutrition publications and studies done recently in Burundi.
• Plan and prepare qualitative nutrition additional collection data in regards to missing or insufficient information during the consultation period (conduct additional assessment on selected field including focus group discussions and transect walk)
• Provide technical guidance and support to the team leader for analysis and cleaning information related to nutrition field.
• Ensure that the report contains necessary health and nutrition technical recommendations for appropriate actions
• Contribute to writing and submitting of the final report of the SitAN in due time.

Qualifications of the Teamleader

The Consultant expert in Development economics must possess the following skills and experience:
• Minimum of a Master degree in development economics or related field;
• A minimum of 7 years of demonstrable experience in research, data analysis and reporting using surveys including Demographic and Health Surveys, especially in developing countries;
• A proven track record in costing interventions in the social area and of conducting cost/benefit analysis
• Sound experience in conducting situation analysis of Children and women and familiar with bottlenecks analysis conceptual framework
• Ability to use key data analysis software e.g. STATA, SPSS, CSPro, SAS, etc.
• Excellent communication skills; ability to explain complex concepts in a simple manner
• Computer literacy essential and applicants should possess strong data analytical and reporting skills.
• Ability to manage a data process, address issues and bottlenecks, and ensure a continuous flow of information
• Fluent ability to converse and write in French and English
• Ability to travel as required to remote field locations Burundi

National consultant must possess the following skills and experience:

• Minimum of a Bachelor degree in economics or/and statistics or related field;
• A minimum of 5 years of demonstrable experience in research, data analysis and reporting using surveys including Demographic and Health Surveys.
• An experience in costing interventions in the social area.
• Ability to use key data analysis software e.g. STATA, SPSS, CSPro, SAS, etc.
• Computer literacy essential and applicants should possess strong data analytical and reporting skills.
• Ability to manage a data process, address issues and bottlenecks, and ensure a continuous flow of information
• Fluent ability to converse and write in French
• Ability to travel as required to remote field locations Burundi

The Consultant expert in nutrition or public health must possess the following skills and experience:
• At least a master’s degree in Nutrition and/or public health preferably with specialisation on community health and nutrition domain.
• Ability to manage a data process, address and analyse issues and bottlenecks, and ensure a continuous flow of information
• At least five years progressively responsible professional work experience in programme analysis of integrated nutrition interventions, community-based nutrition activities, nutrition factors and determinants on basis of UNICEF framework of causes of malnutrition, action on strategic, analysis of nutrition policies and approaches, strategies and operational procedures affecting nutrition programme interventions in global planning and monitoring the implementation of nutrition programmes, high sounding analysis and overview capacity of multisectoriaty of nutrition issues.
• Computer literacy essential and applicants should possess strong data analytical and reporting skills.
• Ability to manage a data process, address issues and bottlenecks, and ensure a continuous flow of information
• Fluent ability to converse and write in French and English
• Ability to travel as required to remote field locations Burundi

Duration and administration of the Consultation

The assignment will be for 4 months with effect from May 2012 with frequent field visits. UNICEF Burundi will cover the team of consultants’ fees (at a rate to be agreed), costs of travel, per diem and all logistics that may be incurred in the process of undertaking this assignment. The Team of Consultants will be governed by the UN rules and regulations.
UNICEF Burundi will also ensure office and communication tools for the duration of this consultation.


The consultancy fee will be negotiated at P4 level for the Lead consultant. Burundi Country Office will pay a lump sum to the Lead consultant who will pay in turn the national consultant and translation costs out of this lump sum.

The consultancy fee will be negotiated at P3 level for Expert in Nutrition.

Payment arrangements

The consultants will be paid in four installments as follows:
i. 30% of the total fee after presentation and approval by the Steering Committee (or NTF? ) of detailed work plan and methodology with the consultants’ interpretation of the ToRs,
ii. 30% upon delivery of an acceptable SitAN first draft report highlighting the preliminary results.
iii. 40% upon delivery of SitAN final report approved by the Steering Committee detailing the results and policy recommendations; summary report, reference materials and Policy Brief.

How to apply: Please send your CV, P11 and cover letter to Jeanne d’Arc Kantengwa (HR Officer): ,

cc: Nadine Kaze at, Souraya Hassan (Social Policy Specialist) at by 15th May 2012.
Economist / Nutritionist UNICEF Bujumbura Economist / Nutritionist UNICEF Bujumbura Reviewed by Unknown on 8:54:00 AM Rating: 5

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